Donie Nolan
Join musician and singer Donie Nolan on the Friday afternoon of this year’s summer school for an informal hour or more of music and song from his native area of West Limerick. Donie, leader of Donie Nolan & Taylor’s Cross Ceili Band, is one of many renowned musicians and singers from this part of the country, an area steeped in a rich tradition of music, song and dance. Names such as the Mulcahy Family and the Murphys from Abbeyfeale come to mind as well as a flurry of West Limerick box players including Derek Hickey, Dan Brouder, Domhnaill de Barra, Pa Foley, William Larkin, Gerald Culhane and the aforementioned Mick Mulcahy and Donal Murphy. Singers Con Greaney and Liam Woulfe, both from Athea, West Limerick, are just two names that spring to mind – indeed Liam’s dad Timmy Woulfe has been a regular attendee at Pat Murphy’s Set Dancing workshops and the céilithe in St Brigid’s Hall at the South Sligo Summer School down the years.
Following Donie’s presentation on Friday afternoon, he and his band will be playing for the Friday night Céilí. A great day for West Limerick in South Sligo as we welcome them back to Tubbercurry after a brief absence of a few years.