Admission €7 (Registered Students Free)
Make it stand out
The distinctive sound of a fiddle and flute duet is particularly associated with this area and in their presentation, John McEvoy & John Wynne, both deeply rooted in the tradition of fiddle and flute duet playing, will share their love and knowledge of this particular duet combination. When one thinks of fiddle and flute duets from the area, the names Peter Horan & Fred Finn and Jimmy Murphy & James Murray immediately come to mind as well as the fiddle and flute duet combination of Tommy Healy & Johnny Duffy. This is just to name a few.
In more recent times, the fiddle and flute duet playing of Philip Duffy & Liam Kelly, Oisín Mac Diarmada & Damien Stenson and Cian & Caoimhe Kearins for example, all in their own way reflect influences from the South Sligo/East Mayo style of those duet players gone before them.
This link will bring you to the PDF of the booklet published by Topic Records to accompany the album ‘Memories of Sligo’, a recording of Tommy Healy and Johnny Duffy, with Reg Hall on piano accompaniment, recorded in London in the mid 1970’s. Tommy was from the village of Montiagh, a small cluster of houses in Curry parish near the Mayo border. He and Johnny were second cousins, Johnny’s grandmother and Tommy’s grandfather being brother and sister. The two cousins both emigrated to London in the mid 1940’s. Well worth a read to whet your appetite: